Testing dApps on Cardano with CLB emulator
Testing dApps on Cardano with CLB emulator
In this article, we look at testing with CLB - a Cardano emulator developed by MLabs. We show how CLB and related tools can be used in various testing scenarios when building dApps on Cardano.
This article concludes our work on CLB Catalyst project. We give an overview of CLB and showcase three examples of its use. This should give the reader a comprehensive overview of tasks that can be accomplished using a new member of MLabs' core tools family.
We start our journey looking at the clb
library, which is the core part of the emulator.
Next, we examine the case of CEM Script, another project of MLabs funded in Catalyst Fund10. It is a declarative SDK for building dApps on Cardano using specifications of so-called CEM machines. This use case demonstrates how the standalone clb
library can be used for a rather specific kind of model-based and mutation-based property testing.
Then we present a more usual case that covers testing dApps combining CLB and Atlas PAB which is very close to the testing approach of the CLB's predecessor - PSM library.
Finally, we give an overview of the node mode of the CLB emulator which is the most universal way to use it. Being language-agnostic, it is the only fit for non-Haskell environments. Particularly, we shortly introduce a case study of CTL - a Purescript-based library for dApp development.
Let's commence!
A bit of history
Historically when Cardano entered the Alonzo era and the introduction of the Plutus language blazed the trail to building dApps on Cardano there existed no usable emulator. The emulator from IOG's Plutus Application Framework1 didn't play well and later tended to fall behind the cadence of the next major Cardano releases.
Without a working emulator, developers were left to their own devices, and various solutions started to proliferate to fill that gap. MLabs was no exception and PSM library was developed to compensate for the lack of testing capabilities. It caught on as a primary testing tool and has been used for quite a long time.
PSM was very lean in terms of dependency footprint and very fast. It gave accurate estimates for resource usage since it was based on the plutus-ledger-api. One peculiarity of PSM was their custom ledger state management, i.e. a simplified set of rules for handling transactions and stepping ledger's state. It was close to cardano-ledger rules but not the same.
This is where discrepancies with the real rules quickly began to accumulate as time went on, so PSM started to suffer from many issues which deteriorated developer experience or made some checks impossible.
Despite this fact, PSM was chosen as a testing backend for a new PAB (Plutus Application Backend) Atlas developed by a consortium led by GeniusYield.
As the next step in pushing PSM to new horizons, MLabs submitted a Catalyst proposal focused on improving the existing PSM library. During the work on the first milestone, we came up with a change request which asked for a pivot towards the development of a new emulator called CLB, which stands for Cardano ledger backend and pronounced /klʌb/. The curious reader can find more information in the Milestone 1 report which goes to great lengths to motivate that turn-around.
Emulator core: clb library
The core part of the emulator is the Haskell clb
library which is self-sufficient for use cases that solely require a pure ledger state. Unlike PSM, CLB uses cardano-ledger
to maintain the state which guarantees it behaves exactly the same way the real ledger does (being properly configured).
The API provided by the clb
library is utterly simple and mostly defined over types from cardano-api
which makes the client code highly compatible with a real node. It implements a pure state that holds a ledger instance that one can easily and cheaply spin up, getting access to corresponding signing keys that control initial funds. Among core supported operations:
querying UTxO state
transaction submitting
jumping to a future slot
To use such an API, the client should be able to build transactions, including coin selection and balancing. Though it is arguably not the most common case, we believe this ability is important, since it plays very well with the idea of modularity. That way one can use whatever tool for transaction building, with the core of the emulator being agnostic on the client's off-chain code. At the same time as was already mentioned one can easily switch from the emulator to a real network.
Being just a pure ledger state, the clb
library has many limitations. Most importantly, the blockchain and consensus are not involved which means there is no notion of:
time, slots, and epochs
The former poses a problem for testing since quite often the logic relies on time. Moreover, testing time-dependent contracts against a real network is also problematic without scaling validity intervals: waiting over even a non-significant span is prohibitively slow. Scaling also comes at a price and potentially could cover subtle bugs.
Being a pure state, to alleviate this impediment the clb
library offers a way to travel in the future instantaneously by specifying the target slot number and providing facilities to go forth and back between wall clock time and slots.
Also, there is a way to crank slots on a per-transaction basis. Whenever a transaction comes in, clb
switches automatically to the next slot. This approach significantly improves the readability of logs and simplifies debugging.
For a more detailed description of the API please refer to the CLB docs website.
CEM Script: CLB as a backend for mutation-based property testing
The crucial property of CLB we wanted to preserve was the speed, since it becomes critical for property-based testing. In this section, we present the case of the CEM Script project which brings up an interesting example of how dApps on Cardano could be tested and how CLB comes in handy in doing that.
CEM Machines
dApps on Cardano consist of validators also known as smart contracts, and a validator can be thought of as a state machine of a specific form called Constraint Emitting Machines2. A valid transition in a CEM corresponds to a single valid transaction on the chain (though one transaction can span over several scripts). The name Constraints Emitting Machines comes from the way transitions are defined as a function of the state and the input that emits a set of TxConstraints
along with the new state:
transition :: State -> Input -> Maybe (State, TxConstraints)
Having a definition of such a state machine, CEM Script machinery can derive different parts of a dApp including:
On-chain validator that ensures that we are transitioning to a valid target state via a transaction that satisfies the emitted constraints.
Off-chain code that is capable of building the corresponding transactions.
Indexing gadgets to filter out related transactions and extract information about transitions that happened on-chain.
Now, a question arises: how to check the viability of the application and how to ensure that the generated on-chain scripts and off-chain mechanics match each other? It turns out that CEM machines are very prolific in terms of testing possibilities that they crack open. We can not only check that two parts go well together but also turn the off-chain machinery into a model to apply model-based testing.
But let's take a short break and have a detour towards the DSL for defining CEM machines to understand what exactly those TxConstraints
may look like and to familiarize ourselves with an example of such a definition for a simple auctioning dApp.
Detour: DSL to define CEM machines
In this section, we are exploring the approach for defining CEM machines within CEM Script project. We start with the simplest building blocks and move up to higher-level structures, going from the bottom to the top.
Building blocks
As we mentioned above, within CEM Script a DSL is used to define CEM machines and generate both on-chain and off-chain components. This language is based on ConstraintDSL
GADT which allows expressing terms of the language (some constructors are elided for brevity):
data ConstraintDSL script value where
Pure :: ... ConstraintDSL script value
Ask :: ... ConstraintDSL script datatype
GetField :: ... ConstraintDSL script value
UnsafeUpdateOfSpine :: ... ConstraintDSL script value
Eq :: forall x script. (Eq x) =>
ConstraintDSL script x ->
ConstraintDSL script x ->
ConstraintDSL script Bool
LiftPlutarch ::
forall px py script.
(PlutarchData px, PlutarchData py) =>
(ClosedTerm (px :--> py)) ->
ConstraintDSL script (PLifted px) ->
ConstraintDSL script (PLifted py)
From the definition, you can get the rough idea that one can lift constants into the language with Pure
, access the machine state with Ask
, doing deconstructions with GetField
, build values with UnsafeUpdateOfSpine
and lift Plutarch functions with LiftPlutarch
The notion of Spine
that showed up in the code we've just seen in the name of UnsafeUpdateOfSpine
constructor is a simple concept we should know about. Spines are auxiliary data types mostly derived automatically to keep only constructor names and forget the content. Say, we can define a data type like:
data Transition
= Create
| MakeBid
{ bid :: Bid
Then the corresponding spine data type would look like this:
data TransitionSpine
= CreateSpine
| MakeBidSpine
Spines are very useful since quite often there is a need to refer to the constructor without knowing their content - exactly the task solved by spine data types. So you can mentally translate Spine
suffix as a mark that indicates that a constructor or a function works with constructors only.
DSL terms can be further specified as either being regular values or patterns for pattern matching. The way those are used differs for on-chain and off-chain. The following type families capture that difference. Here, script
is an uninhabited type that is used to tie together different things associated with a particular script (machine), and resolved
is a type-level Bool
that differentiates source (False
) and "compiled" (True
) terms only within the realm of the off-chain translation process:
type family DSLValue (resolved :: Bool) script value where
DSLValue False script value = ConstraintDSL script value
DSLValue True _script value = value
type family DSLPattern (resolved :: Bool) script value where
DSLPattern False script value = ConstraintDSL script value
DSLPattern True _ value = Void
As we can see, during the off-chain translation, regular values are evaluates to something of type value
in ConstraintDSL script value
and the patterns are completely eliminated. It's possible because the state is always known off-chain so all condition and pattern-matching branches can be resolved during the translation and all values can be eventually evaluated. For on-chain compilation these differences don't play any role and the actual computation will be performed at run-time.
Now that we have these terms, we can define the data type for the transaction constraints:
data TxConstraint (resolved :: Bool) script
= Utxo
{ kind :: UtxoKind
, spec :: Utxo resolved script
, value :: DSLValue resolved script Value
| MainSignerNoValue (DSLValue resolved script PubKeyHash)
| If ...
| MatchBySpine ...
| Error Text
| Noop
Using some additional data types like Utxo
and UtxoKind
, this type allows expressing different conditions a particular transition requires:
necessitates particular inputs and/or outputs, including the script's continuing output.MainSignerNoValue
(and some similar) requires a signature.Finally,
bring the ability to build dynamic constraints. Here we can naturally observeDSLPattern
being used as the first argument andTxConstraint
being used recursively.Error
come in very handy together withIf
(see later):
| If
-- | Condition
(DSLPattern resolved script Bool)
-- | Then block
(TxConstraint resolved script)
-- | Else block
(TxConstraint resolved script)
The definition of the CEM state machine is introduced as an instance of CEMScript
type class by providing a value for type CEMScriptSpec
defined as a map of possible transitions and constraints they impose (slightly simplified here for readability) :
type CEMScriptSpec resolved script =
(Transition script)
[TxConstraint resolved script]
Auctioning dApp example
Now we are ready to define a sample one-script dApp using CEM Script by defining a corresponding CEM state machine. We are going to build a simple English auction application. Let's start with states. For any state, arbitrary (on-chain representable) data can be attached, and in our case, we are going to define and use the Bid
data type that contains the bid amount and the bidder public key:
data Bid = MkBet
{ bidder :: PubKeyHash
, bidAmount :: Integer
So states starting with CurrentBid
bear a Bid
, being an initial zero bid for CurrentBid
and the winning bid for Winner
data SimpleAuctionState
= NotStarted
| CurrentBid
{ bid :: Bid -- the latest bid
| Winner
{ bid :: Bid -- the winning bid
Now that we have states defined we can define a set of possible transitions, that move the state. Some of them may require arguments that should be passed when a transition happens:
data SimpleAuctionTransition
= Create
| Start
| MakeBid
{ bid :: Bid
| Close
| Buyout
transition brings the starting zero bid already mentioned, whereas every MakeBid
takes a new bid run by a bidder. Notice that transitions themselves don't reference states. They are bound together via constraints using a value of an underlying map within CEMScriptSpec
type as a part of CEMScript
instance (in practice smart constructors are used to make instances of TxConstraint
not bare constructors we saw in the previous section):
transitionSpec :: CEMScriptSpec False SimpleAuction
transitionSpec =
buyoutBid = ctxState.bid
initialBid =
[ #bidder ::= ctxParams.seller
, #bidAmount ::= lift 0
auctionValue = cMinLovelace @<> ctxParams.lot
( CreateSpine
[ spentBy ctxParams.seller cMinLovelace cEmptyValue
, output (ownUtxo $ withNullaryState NotStartedSpine) auctionValue
( StartSpine
[ input (ownUtxo $ inState NotStartedSpine) auctionValue
, output (ownUtxo $ withState CurrentBidSpine [#bid ::= initialBid]) auctionValue
, signedBy ctxParams.seller
It should be self-explaining if we ignore the word spine and an exotic operator ::=
in this code. The first transition requires that a seller
(from script parameters, the part we omitted to keep the article shorter) should sign the transaction and spend cMinLovelace
, and one output should go to the script, which is stated by ownUtxo
with NonStarted
state and auctionValue
. Thus this initial transition doesn't have the source state. Now, the second Transition
consumes that output and sends it back with the updated state, now it will be CurrentBid
set to the initial zero bid by the seller. Based on that definition a state diagram can be generated using CEM Script. Initial and final states are represented on diagrams explicitly due to graphviz
limitations, as we know they are virtual and don't exist:
Auction state graph
The rest of transitions
Let's wrap up the rest of the transitions which are going to be more interesting and feature more flexibility. Next comes MakeBid
transition that corresponds to a bidder playing a new bid:
( MakeBidSpine
[ input (ownUtxo ...
, byFlagError
(ctxTransition.bid.bidAmount @<= ctxState.bid.bidAmount)
"Bid amount is less or equal to current bid"
, output (ownUtxo ...
, signedBy ctxTransition.bid.bidder
In addition to things we have already seen like input
, output
, and signedBy
here we can observe an example of a conditional constraint, that checks that the amount of the new bid (comes from ctxTransition
, remember an argument of MakeBid
constructors) is strictly bigger than the previous one (which comes from the ctxState
). This constraint is morally an error if that condition is not met. byFlagError
's definition justifies the existence of Noop
constraint we saw:
byFlagError ::
ConstraintDSL script Bool -> Text -> TxConstraint False script
byFlagError flag message = If flag (Error message) Noop
transition won't bring anything unknown for us:
( CloseSpine
[ input ...
, output
( ownUtxo
$ withState WinnerSpine [#bid ::= ctxState.bid]
, signedBy ctxParams.seller
In contrast, the last transition Buyout shows up more tricks:
( BuyoutSpine
[ input (ownUtxo $ inState WinnerSpine) auctionValue
, offchainOnly
( spentBy
( cMkAdaOnlyValue buyoutBid.bidAmount
@<> cMinLovelace
, output
(userUtxo buyoutBid.bidder)
, output
(userUtxo ctxParams.seller)
(cMinLovelace @<> cMkAdaOnlyValue buyoutBid.bidAmount)
Here we can see that two outputs go to the bidder and seller with the lot
and and bidAmount
correspondingly. From the on-chain perspective, it's not important where exactly bidAmount
comes from - probably someone else can pay their money on behalf of the bidder. At the same time, we have to give some instructions to off-chain machinery how to build this transaction. By using offchainOnly
helper (which is defined as offchainOnly c = If IsOnChain Noop c
) we can delimit constraints that are supposed to be used only when running transaction building making them invisible to the on-chain code compiler.
Back to testing: two steps
In the next two sections, we are moving back to testing, starting with a regular model-based approach and then augmenting it with mutations.
Step one: model-based testing
How can we get assurance that the definition of the state machine we came up with is sound in terms of bugs which would potentially prevent liveness or lead to crashes?
Probably, by far the greatest merit of the CEM-based approach to developing dApps we've just seen is the fact that its parts can easily be turned into an "ideal world" model for the application. Indeed, being given a list of possible transitions we can easily generate arbitrary sequences of them, and then effectively boil them down to a relatively small set of those that "make sense". With a big enough number of meaningful scenarios at hand, we can execute them against the model and the real application and check that they both can handle them and even that they both do it the same way3. This approach is widely known as model-based testing.
Let's first focus on the question of how we can discern meaningful sequences of transitions from a whole bunch of random ones we generate. To do that we need a decision function that can check whether a particular transition is sound being provided with the current state of execution and the definition of a CEM machine. In quckcheck-dynamic
library it's known as precondition
method of StateModel
type-class that takes the current state, the action in question, and tells whether it's a meaningful one over the state provided:
precondition ::
(CEMScriptArbitrary script) =>
ScriptState script ->
Action (ScriptState script) a ->
Turns out we can implement it in a very straightforward manner by reusing some functions from the off-chain machinery of CEM Script. First, let's take a brief look at how it works. The entry point called resolveTx
takes a specification for a prospective transaction and tries to build it. You can think of TxSpec
data type as a list of transitions and ResolvedTx
as the final recipe to build a cardano-api
resolveTx ::
forall m.
(MonadQueryUtxo m) =>
TxSpec ->
m (Either TxResolutionError ResolvedTx)
This function works in steps:
1) Checks and compiles constraints. For every transition within the specification (as we mentioned a transaction can operate over several scripts simultaneously and independently, and each script runs its transition):
Finds the definition of the transition, including the list of constraints as
[TxContraints (resolved :: False)]
.Obtains the current on-chain state of the machine and checks whether it satisfies relevant constraints, i.e. constraints of the form
input ownUtxo
that specifies the own input of the script.Tries to compile constraints, turning them from
[TxConstraint (resolved :: False)]
to[TxConstraint (resolved :: True)]
2) Concatenates and deduplicates constraints into one list.
3) Translates each TxConstraint
on the list into building blocks of a future transaction called Resolution
, querying blockchain state in some cases.
4) Finally, use the list of Resolution
to build the ResolvedTx
Whereas both steps (1) and (3) may fail, in particular step (1) contains the logic we are interested in. It ensures that the constraints can be translated in a meaningful way which is exactly the criterion of the transition's viability. So if it can provide step (1) with the current state we will be able to know whether a particular transition could be valid. It means all we need to keep in the model is the machine state (plus some additions like initial parameters) which is captured by ScriptState script
data type4. Step (1) is implemented as compileActionConstraints
function and we can write precondition
(ScriptState {dappParams, state, finished})
(ScriptTransition transition) =
cemAction = MkCEMAction (params dappParams) transition
compiled = compileActionConstraints state cemAction
in isRight compiled
The rest of the StateModel
instance is pretty straightforward to implement. Now that we have the model, what is that real application we mentioned? In the real world, it is an application deployed on the Cardano mainnet or testnet, but it is very ineffective even when it comes to more traditional testing. Private testnets are also cumbersome and slow. It becomes infeasible when one needs to run thousands of scenarios like we do. Here CLB comes into play. Since we have the off-chain part that can build transactions being provided with a simple query layer we can use the bare clb
library. In quickcheck-dynamic
exists a type class RunModel
to represent a real model you want to test. By wiring clb
library methods into RunModel
instance we can define how to execute actions against the real system (so the name RunModel is a bit misnomer). At its core, there is one method called perform
with a rather convoluted signature which we are omitting here. An interested reader can find it in CEM Script sources4.
Finally, we can define the property which states that any meaningful sequence should succeed:
dynamicSpec = describe "Quickcheck Dynamic" $ do
it "Auction random trace works on CLB" $ do
quickCheckDLScript $ do
quickCheckDLScript :: DL (ScriptState SimpleAuction) () -> IO ()
quickCheckDLScript dl = do
actors <- execClb getTestWalletSks
result <- quickCheckResult $ withMaxSuccess 100 $ runDLScript $ do
_ <- action $ SetupConfig $ MkTestConfig { actors }
isSuccess result `shouldBe` True
runDLScript :: DL (ScriptState SimpleAuction) () -> Property
runDLScript dl =
(runActionsInClb @SimpleAuction genesisValue)
genesisValue = lovelaceToValue 300_000_000_000
Let's run the test suite in cem-script
repository to see whether it passes:
$ cabal run cem-script-test
*** Failed! Falsified (after 88 tests and 5 shrinks):
do action $ SetupConfig
action $ SetupParams
action $ ScriptTransition Create
action $ ScriptTransition Start
action $ ScriptTransition Close
action $ ScriptTransition Buyout
pure ()
The machine terminated because of an error...
"Matched spine: BuyoutSpine",
"Checking transition BuyoutSpine",
"Checking constraint Utxo { kind = Out"
, "spec = UserAddress Ask Params.seller"
, "value = somePlutarchCode (somePlutarchCode (Pure (3000000))) (Ask Params.lot)}"
, "Constraint check failed"
And it does not. According to the test scenario, which we can see in the output, if no bids are happened (besides the initial zero bid) buying out transition doesn't work as expected. And indeed, the definition of that transaction requires two outputs - one for the bidder and one for the seller:
, output
(userUtxo buyoutBid.bidder)
, output
(userUtxo ctxParams.seller)
(cMinLovelace @<> cMkAdaOnlyValue buyoutBid.bidAmount)
When both addresses are the same output constraints can't be verified since two of them get in the way of each other validation. Also, we can notice that spentBy
constraint is also redundant in case no bids are made and we can replace it with simpler signedBy
(we cannot use noop
here since at least one signature is required for a transaction). So we have to handle this case with a condition and the final definition of the Buyout
transition is:
( BuyoutSpine
[ input (ownUtxo $ inState WinnerSpine) auctionValue
(ctxParams.seller `eq'` buyoutBid.bidder)
(signedBy ctxParams.seller)
(cMinLovelace @<> cMkAdaOnlyValue buyoutBid.bidAmount)
, output
(userUtxo buyoutBid.bidder) -- seller is initial zero bidder
(cMinLovelace @<> ctxParams.lot)
, if'
(ctxParams.seller `eq'` buyoutBid.bidder)
( output
(userUtxo ctxParams.seller)
(cMinLovelace @<> cMkAdaOnlyValue buyoutBid.bidAmount)
So we have just seen how the model-based approach can be applied to testing on-chain scripts generated by CEM Script compiler. With some effort, an external implementation also can be tested this way. The only requirement is that the corresponding CEM machine should be defined to serve as a model and an external script implementation should be used in place of an automatically generated one.
This kind of testing can ensure that all sensible sequences of transitions work correctly, though other properties can be expressed as well. In the next section, we are going to add mutations to this approach to cover also negative cases.
Mutation-based property testing: negative scenarios and more
Now that we have checked all meaningful sequences, we can go further. All sequences we used so far were positive in the sense that they were obtained from the definition of the CEM machine. Now, we'd like to be sure that the same sequences will fail if we introduce an arbitrary mutation that makes a transaction invalid. But how can we turn a valid transaction into an invalid one that looks very close to the original? In the land of CEM, it's natural to start any experiments with constraints. A couple of observations based on the fact that each transition emits a list of constraints for every transition:
The order of constraints should not matter, if we shuffle them arbitrarily the result should remain the same.
All non-noop constraints are important, if we remove any of them a sequence should stop working.
Potentially we can go down to the level of individual constraints and start tweaking them individually (out of the scope now).
Notice, that the fact that mutations are based on the high-level definition of the CEM machine and not on the low-level definition of a transaction allows the generation of important mutations without any hassle and digging into parts of the transactions - approach generally used in the absence of the definition5.
So how can we add mutations to the test suite we already built? Let's start with defining the following data type and a couple of additional functions:
data TxMutation
= RemoveConstraint {num :: Int}
| ShuffleConstraints {shift :: Int}
-- Applies a mutation to a compiled transition
applyMutation :: Maybe TxMutation -> [TxConstraint True script] -> [TxConstraint True script]
-- Determines whether a mutation should break a sequence
isNegativeMutation :: Maybe TxMutation -> [TxConstraint True script] -> Bool
To plug these mutations into the testing machinery we need to do two things:
Teach the model to generate mutated scenarios and discern positive and negative ones.
Apply a mutation before submitting a transaction.
First of all, we need to extend the definition of Action state a
associated type family in StateModel
which represents actions by adding possible mutation to its ScriptTransition
constructor (the other two constructors represent two preliminary actions used to set up a script):
data Action (ScriptState script) output where
SetupConfig :: TestConfig -> Action (ScriptState script) ()
SetupParams :: Params script -> Action (ScriptState script) ()
ScriptTransition ::
Transition script ->
Maybe TxMutation ->
Action (ScriptState script) ()
Now we are ready to teach the model to generate actions with mutations. The first step is to add arbitrary mutations to arbitraryAction
method. We need to compile constraints first, so again we can use compileActionConstraints
function we saw before to do the job and then just pick a mutation randomly:
genMutation :: Transition script -> Gen (Maybe TxMutation)
genMutation transition =
let cemAction = MkCEMAction (params dappParams) transition
in case compileActionConstraints state cemAction of
Right cs ->
[ return Nothing
, Just . RemoveConstraint
<$> Gen.chooseInt (0, length cs - 1)
, Just
<$> ( ShuffleConstraints
<$> Gen.chooseInt (1, length cs)
Left _ -> return Nothing
Next, we have to implement validFailingAction
method of StateModel
class. which is another decision function like precondition
but for actions that can be meaningfully run but are supposed to fail. An action will be treated as a negative if 'precondition' fails for it and 'validFailingAction' succeeds. Such actions should not modify the model state (though there is failureNextState
method in case they should). We consider action negative if its mutated constraints fail to compile (Left _
) or mutation is negative and doesn't terminate the machine (Right cs
validFailingAction ::
(CEMScriptArbitrary script) =>
ScriptState script ->
Action (ScriptState script) a ->
(ScriptState {dappParams, finished, state})
(ScriptTransition transition mutation) =
let cemAction = MkCEMAction (params dappParams) transition
cs' = compileActionConstraints state cemAction
in case cs' of
Right cs -> isNegativeMutation mutation cs && isJust state && not finished
Left _ -> True
validFailingAction _ _ = False
The last thing is to finally apply a mutation upon submitting a transaction and handle some corner cases like the deletion of signature constraint by mutation:
mutateResolveAndSubmit :: m (Either TxResolutionError TxId)
mutateResolveAndSubmit = runExceptT $ do
let cemAction = MkCEMAction (params dappParams) transition
cs' <- ExceptT $ return $ compileActionConstraints state cemAction
(cs, _) = applyMutation mutation cs'
mbSignerPKH = getMbMainSigner cs
specSigner <- case mbSignerPKH of
Nothing -> ExceptT $ pure $ Left NoSignerError
Just signerPKH -> pure $ findSkForPKH (actors $ config dappParams) signerPKH
resolutions <- mapM (process cemAction) cs
let resolvedTx = (construct resolutions) {signer = specSigner}
result <- first UnhandledSubmittingError <$> lift (submitResolvedTx resolvedTx)
let spec = MkTxSpec [MkSomeCEMAction cemAction] specSigner
lift $ logEvent $ SubmittedTxSpec spec (mapLeft (const ()) result)
ExceptT $ return result
Re-running the test suite with mutations enabled doesn't reveal any issues this time and reports a fair amount of mutations being used during testing:
Mutations (4006 in total):
66.15% JustSpine
33.85% NothingSpine
In addition to the task of testing a particular script definition, this technique allowed us to ensure that on-chain and off-chain parts match each other in negative scenarios and to demonstrate that the order of constraints doesn't matter since it was one of the assumptions we used in the CEM Script development. Indeed, according to validFailingAction
function a transition is considered failing when its off-chain compilation fails. By ensuring that it also fails in a real application, we can conclude that both behave the same way (of course, up to state details we don't check yet).
Unified testing with Atlas
For the next use case of testing dApps with CLB, we will explore a more traditional approach. It can be thought of as a replacement for PSM. The latter had its own machinery for building transactions. This fact caused significant duplication of work since developers needed to repeat off-chain logic twice - first for tests within PSM and then for the application itself. Moreover, whereas this approach was good for testing on-chain code the off-chain part (real code that was used within the application) was effectively untested. Partially this problem was solved by the initial Atlas development and off-chain logic could be reused in PSM-based tests. But definitions of test cases for PSM and private testnet were completely different, which again led to duplication of work or forced developers to use only one testing backend, an emulator, or a private network. The unified testing feature was conceived as a solution to these problems.
Let's list all the components we deal with when testing a dApp on Cardano and see how they play in the unified testing:
(1) An application under testing, which includes:
(1.1) Smart contracts
(1.2) Off-chain code operations, that build transactions (or their skeletons)
(1.3) Glue code to call off-chain operations from UI/wallets
(2) A test suite, which includes:
(2.1) Actions that can run operations in a test environment without UI
(2.2) Test cases that consist of:
A prelude sequence of actions that prepare the state for test-case
A test condition to decide whether a test case pass
In unified testing:
All components of an application except glue code (1.3) are covered.
The test suite can be run using different backends, including CLB and a testnet.
In the following section, we are going to introduce briefly unified testing by testing a trivial spending transaction.
For a more realistic example please refer to testing page on Atlas' docs website. You can find sources of the betting application and its test suite in Atlas' repository here or in a separate repository.
Trivial transaction example
The unified testing feature provides two functions to build test cases:
mkPrivnetTestFor :: Setup -> TestName -> (TestInfo -> GYTxGameMonad a) -> TestTree
mkTestFor :: TestName -> (TestInfo -> GYTxGameMonad a) -> TestTree
Both functions have similar signatures - they take a name for a test case and a continuation function of type TestInfo -> GYTxGameMonad a
. Then they internally set up a testing environment represented by TestInfo
data type to run the continuation inside of it.
additionally takes a value of type Setup
that contains an instance of a private network, whereas mkTestFor
which makes a test case backed by CLB - does not. This highlights an important distinction in the way they work:
spawns a new instance of CLB on every call and every test case is run in a fresh (new) ledger state.mkPrivnetTestFor
is supposed to be run inside a helper functionwithPrivnet
which spins up one and the only private testnet and executes the whole test suite using it.
We are going to write a test that simply sends 100 ADA from a testing wallet to some arbitrary address. Our off-chain code works in GYTxQueryMonad
monad that brings the notion of own addresses of a particular wallet, (here - a test wallet) and yields a transaction skeleton that should have a particular output and be signed with the key of the wallet:
mkTrivialTx :: GYTxUserQueryMonad m => m (GYTxSkeleton 'PlutusV2)
mkTrivialTx = do
-- The first own address
addr <-
(throwAppError $ someBackendError "No own addresses")
$ listToMaybe <$> ownAddresses
-- Its public key hash
pkh <- addressToPubKeyHash' addr
-- Random address
let targetAddr = unsafeAddressFromText "addr_test1qr2vfnt..."
return $
( GYTxOut
{ gyTxOutAddress = targetAddr
, gyTxOutValue = valueFromLovelace 100_000_000
, gyTxOutDatum = Nothing
, gyTxOutRefS = Nothing
<> mustBeSignedBy pkh
Now we can write a test that checks that the wallet indeed loses 100 ADA when the transaction happens. This function effectively combines the action (2.1) and the test condition (2.2) test for simplicity's sake, though one should keep those two parts separate since quite often actions are reused:
{- | Trace for a super-simple spending transaction.
simpleTxTest :: GYTxGameMonad m => TestInfo -> m ()
simpleTxTest (testWallets -> Wallets {w1}) = do
-- The condition
withWalletBalancesCheckSimple [w1 := valueFromLovelace (-100_000_000)]
-- The action
. asUser w1
$ do
skeleton <- mkTrivialTx
gyLogDebug' "" $ printf "tx skeleton: %s" (show skeleton)
txId <- buildTxBody skeleton >>= signAndSubmitConfirmed
gyLogDebug' "" $ printf "tx submitted, txId: %s" txId
Here we get access to wallet w1
from the environment and run the transaction on its behalf using the function asUser
. Finally, we can make a test with mkPrivnetTestFor
or mkTestFor
clbSuite :: TestTree
clbSuite = testGroup "Group"
[ mkTestFor "Simple tx" simpleTxTest
testnetSuite :: Setup -> TestTree
testnetSuite setup = testGroup "Place Group"
[ mkPrivnetTestFor_ "Simple tx" simpleTxTest
mkPrivnetTestFor_ = flip mkPrivnetTestFor setup
Having the ability to switch backends allows developers to start with quick and light CLB emulator and later quickly switch to a real testnet once a need arises, i.e. if the emulator's functionality is not sufficient. Otherwise, at the final stage of development, the whole test suite can be run against a real testnet with no need to rewrite any of its parts. Out of curiosity, let's check how long it takes to run our trivial test suite against the emulator and a real testnet:
$ time cabal run atlas-unified-tests
Simple tx: OK (0.12s)
Emulator log :
Slot 0:
[DEBUG] utxosAtAddress, refs: [TxOutRef {txOutRefId = 01f4b788593d4f70de2a45c2e1e87088bfbdfa29577ae1b62aba60e095e3ab53, txOutRefIdx = 1}]
[DEBUG] fee: 178525 lovelace
validity range: (Nothing,Nothing)
- ref: 01f4b788593d4f70de2a45c2e1e87088bfbdfa29577ae1b62aba60e095e3ab53#1
addr: addr_test1vzgr3pyndlkgdnxnucfnu2y7072skuy6vzlkftc0nhrygyqsj6qx8
value: ... + 1000000000000 lovelace
[DEBUG] encoded tx:
Slot 1:
[DEBUG] tx submitted, txId: 7d487313607909080f4615edc9961287ee6eaaa761e98d30f9146b307655644b
All 1 tests passed (0.12s)
real 0m0.847s
user 0m0.727s
sys 0m0.113s
As we can see, the test takes 0.85s to run, which is not instantaneous, but pretty quick in comparison with a testnet where the test itself takes four times longer and additionally takes more than a minute and a half to start a testnet:
$ time cabal run atlas-unified-tests -- --testnet
Simple tx: OK (3.05s)
Querying utxos At Addresses: [unsafeAddressFromText "addr_test1vz..."]
ownAddr: unsafeAddressFromText "addr_test1vz..."
GYTxSkeleton {...}
tx skeleton: GYTxSkeleton {...}
Querying utxos At Addresses: [unsafeAddressFromText "addr_test1vz..."]
All 1 tests passed (3.05s)
real 1m37.854s
user 0m20.597s
sys 0m2.654s
Emulating cardano-node: betting dApp on CTL
Access emulator from non-Haskell environments
The cases we covered so far pertained to Haskell land, so we were able to use either a clb
library alone or its combination with Atlas PAB. In this section, we are taking a journey to Purescript and CTL library. Whereas PABs like Atlas are meant to run on the server side, CTL is a set of components for building dApps that can be run entirely in a browser.
Like PABs, CTL has the notion of provider (known as QueryHandle
) which is an abstraction over query and submission blockchain layers. External gateways like Blockfrost (currently the only external provider supported out-of-the-box) and a local backend known as KON (Kupo + Ogmios + Node) can be used to run applications as well as tests.
To make the CLB emulator accessible to CTL (and potentially other frameworks) we had two options:
Mimic the node in a limited way, and keep using Kupo and Ogmios and the existing local backend provider.
Roll out a custom
We opted for the former approach mostly due to its consistency and compatibility reusing existing parts and because QueryHandle
API was (and is still) not standardized, so it would be not compatible with other frameworks besides CTL. CTL talks to the emulator process via Ogmios, and queries the sate using Kupo, though one can work directly using mini-protocols if needed.
To mimic the node there is an executable called cardano-node-socket-emulator
based on the clb
library we've already seen that is supposed to be used instead of a real cardano-node
executable when doing testing. This executable is compatible (to some extent) with cardano-node
in terms of CLI and maintains an IPC socket that implements a subset of Ouroboros mini-protocols needed:
chain sync
tx submission
state query
The ledger state is handled by clb
as before, and on top of it some additional required mechanisms run:
A separate thread to count slots that emulates time.
A mempool that maintains its own so-called "cached" state.
A trivial block-producing procedure that forges blocks from the content of the emulator's mempool.
The emulator doesn't use consensus or any sort of inter-node communication which helps keep it fast in comparison with a private testnet.
Integrating emulator binary
The environment that uses the emulator should run it to spin up a degenerated testnet that consists of one emulator node which is in charge of producing blocks and all other actions. Though the number of commands and options the emulator takes much smaller than for a real cardano-node
, it is still problematic to do that manually. For this end, we are using the same approach we use for a real testnet, namely cardano-testnet
from cardano-node
. Under the hood, this tool uses cardano-api
to generate a number of genesis keys, testnet configuration including genesis files based on the user's preferences and run a set of nodes over generated configuration. CARDANO_NODE
environment variable can be used to specify another binary to run, so we can easily plug in the emulator.
The emulator binary itself can be pulled into your project using Nix flakes, please refer to clb-docs website.
Unified testing in CTL
The ability to switch between a private testnet backed by real nodes and emulated network backed by the emulator without changing the code of an application or a test suite gives developers some degree of freedom. An emulated network works much slower than a built-in clb
state but it is still much faster than a private testnet.
Another important difference to bear in mind is that it's not possible anymore to quickly travel in time. Awaiting for a particular slot will take some time based on the slot's duration. However, the length of slots can be very short to compensate for that.
To showcase this approach works we reimplemented the betting dApp from Atlas using CTL.
Take a look at CTL documentation to learn more about testing dApps with CTL and CLB.
If you find any ideas from this article interesting or relevant to your project – please feel free to contact us - we are keen on applying our expertise to help our customers hit their goals.
Useful Links
CLB repository on GitHub
CLB docs website
Atlas repository on GitHub
Atlas docs website
CTL repository on GitHub
PSM repository on GitHub (archived)